Introduction about Resistivity Meter / Imaging System
Measuring Resistivity, IP and SP * High reliability, safety and robustness under harsh field conditions *Easy to use with multi-lingual graphical user interface on sunlight readable colour LCD * On-site capabilities for data QA, system diagnostics and fault tolerance * Superior quality in data acquisition with powerful transmitter and high dynamic range multi-channel receiver.
PC compatible * More than 1 500 000 readings Memory * LCD display * Multifunction connector: Current and potential for all four channels including RS232 communication for external devices as PC, LOG & Imaging
ABEM Terrameter LUND Imaging System is an Automatic System for Resistivity and IP Imaging, designed for optimum versatility in infrastructure projects and environmental studies * Built-in quality control and feedback to operator * Automated roll-along capability for 2D and 3D surveys * High productivity rate thanks to speed-optimised software (particularly in 4 channel version).
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