It is available with manual pneumatic control, singlechannel or dual-channel configurations and optional integral liquid autosampler...
PerkinElmer – Arnel is a recognized leader in engineered solutions for gas chromatography (GC) applications in the hydrocarbon processing, food and beverage and industrial hygiene markets. PerkinElmer offers more than 100 turnkey solutions...
There are many reasons why PerkinElmer’s TurboMatrix™ Headspace (HS) and high-sensitivity Headspace Trap samplers are the clear choice for any GC or GC/MS system for the analysis of volatile compounds. Advanced technology and thoughtful design ensure...
Thermal desorption is a technique that simplifies and speeds a wide range of gas chromatography (GC) applications, including indoor and outdoor air monitoring, analysis of outgassing from semiconductor materials...
PerkinElmer – Arnel is a recognized leader in engineered solutions for gas chromatography (GC) applications in the hydrocarbon processing, food and beverage and industrial hygiene markets. PerkinElmer offers more than 100 turnkey solutions...
The PerkinElmer® Clarus® 580 Gas Chromatograph (GC) is a fully automated gas chromatograph. All instrument functions are set up and monitored through a touch screen. Up to two injectors may be installed...
The PerkinElmer® Clarus® 680 Gas Chromatograph (GC) is a fully automated gas chromatograph with programmable pneumatic control (PPC).The Clarus 680 GC provides the fastest heat-up and cool-down oven available in a conventional GC. All temperature and time functions...
Take your GC/MS to the limit with the Clarus® 600 Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS). It delivers the performance and throughput you require with the ruggedness you demand...