Home page » products » Flexar refractive index LC detector
From rugged reliability to outstanding spectral integrity, Flexar refractive index detector offer fast, sensitive performance for a wide range of applications...

From rugged reliability to outstanding spectral integrity, Flexar refractive index detector offer fast, sensitive performance for a wide range of applications. Get every detail about your samples and gain deeper insights in your results.

-       Highly stable, sensitive detection for compounds without high UV absorbance

-       Reliable, unattended analysis with remote autozero and autopurge of reference cell

-       Increased detector stability with active temperature control of the flow cell





-        CDS control environment: Chromera® only

-        Detection type: Deflection-microprocessor control

-        Light source: Tungsten

-        Range (RIU): 1.00-1.75

-         Noise (RIU): ±2.5 x 10-9

-         Drift (RIU/h/ ˚C): ±2 x 10-7

-        Flow cell: 8 μL volume, 50 psi backpressure rating

-        Thermostatting: 35˚C factory set. Adjustable to 50˚C

-        Outputs: Integrator/computer (1V); Recorder (10 mV)

-        Interface: USB

-        Dimensions (HxWxD): 16 x 34 x 53 cm

-        Weight: 13 kg


